The Missing Link

A Joint Project of BBISB and
Young Women’s Freedom Center

The Missing Link is an intergenerational kinship pilot program for formerly incarcerated Black women between the ages of 16-24 and 50+ in a collaboration between Because Black is Still Beautiful and Young Women's Freedom Center. It is not a mentorship program. We believe that each generation is equally important and has the ability to teach and learn from each other. We acknowledge that the barriers which exist from incarceration, as well as racial/gender discriminatory practices are lifelong experiences. We all matter! That's why we call it a kinship.

As a result of this approach, the magic that happens in the room when the participants link up is transformational! Our focus is healing, bonding, and improving overall wellness. It is our desire to make this program a model for other Black women across the country BECAUSE BLACK IS STILL BEAUTIFUL.

Watch Bridging the Gap on the BBISB YouTube channel

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